The 1 piece of data that will give you a 17% edge over everyone in the room [3 min read]
Instead of taking a “peak behind the curtain” of Ignite 360’s creative process – I am unabashedly throwing open the drapes to give you a full view.
The one piece of information that I keep top of mind with every quantitative or qualitative ethnographic report we produce is, the surprising truth about the effectiveness of visual language, and the power of its persuasiveness.
Some eye-opening facts to consider:
50% of your brain is involved in visual processing*
70% of all your sensory receptors are in your eyes*
Need more proof? A study conducted at the Wharton School of Business found that a purely verbal presentation persuaded 50% of audience members. BUT, a verbal presentation that had accompanying visuals persuaded 67% of the audience.
Now you may be thinking – that’s great. Of course, I want that 17% edge to win over the room of Senior VPs. HOWEVER, I’m on my own here. I didn’t go to design school and I have to get this done today!
I hear you.
So, as a bonus I’m sharing a tip that will give a visual kick to your quant or qual in 30 seconds or less! The best part – it’s a tool I bet you already have in your toolbox.
Excel People Graph
You (yes, you) can quickly turn a column of mind-numbing numbers into a more digestible feast for the eyes using tools you already have. Excel people graph lets you quickly create a professional looking image without ever leaving the program. Edit as you need, and the image adjusts. You can also copy and paste the chart into PPT as an image.
Check out this quick tutorial to have all eyes and smiles on you at your next presentation!
Need more than a fast fix? Contact us at to make your next project a visually memorable masterpiece!
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