How marketing research and consumer insights can help companies become more empathetic

What’s the catapult for a good marketing strategy? Understanding consumers on a very human level. Consumers go beyond demographics. Psychographics and human motivations are critical to solving consumer problems.

In order for brands to be able to speak to those consumers and make products that actually work for them, brand teams need to be able to comprehend the diversity of peoples’ stories and experiences. And then, identify relevant intersections with their brand or business.

In other words: They need to have empathy with their consumers.

CEO, Rob Volpe joined business coach Jon Dwoskin on his podcast, “THINK Business Live,” to discuss his role as an empathy activist and how marketing research and consumer insights can help companies become more empathetic and understanding of their consumers’ needs.

Check out the full discussion here to see how this insightful strategy can propel your business forward!

Rob Volpe, CEO/Chairman/Founder

Under Volpe’s guidance, Ignite 360 has gained a reputation as a best-in-class consultancy within the marketing insights community due in part to a relentless focus on empathy-building practices to help business teams gain new and deeper levels of customer understanding. 

Rob Volpe expands this work in empathy awareness and skill building through speaking and training engagements via his new company, Empathy Activist.

Rob lives in San Francisco with his husband and 3 cats.


Gratitude: The Change People Really Want [part 1 of 3]


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