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Studies Reveal Your Voice is More Powerful Than Your Powerpoint and a Case Study That Proves It
Empathy Training, Innovation, Storytelling Robin Algaze, Chief Design and Communication Director Empathy Training, Innovation, Storytelling Robin Algaze, Chief Design and Communication Director

Studies Reveal Your Voice is More Powerful Than Your Powerpoint and a Case Study That Proves It

If you find yourself constantly re-working and fine-tuning your PowerPoint presentations in an effort to influence decision-makers and motivate your team, it may be time to mix it up with a new approach. Today we share the research-backed method that will captivate your audience and move your insights and ideas into action.

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50.7 Million Students Can’t Be Wrong: 5 Thought Leaders Share How They Stay Ahead of the Learning Curve.
Market Research, Storytelling, Innovation Robin Algaze, Chief Design and Communication Director Market Research, Storytelling, Innovation Robin Algaze, Chief Design and Communication Director

50.7 Million Students Can’t Be Wrong: 5 Thought Leaders Share How They Stay Ahead of the Learning Curve.

At every level of an organization, people wonder how they could benefit from a return to the classroom. Today, our Ignite 360 thought leaders share the tools they use to stay sharp, relevant and far ahead of the learning curve.

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Curiosity Can't Kill You: 5 Questions We'd Love to Untangle

Curiosity Can't Kill You: 5 Questions We'd Love to Untangle

We checked in with our team of curiosity experts to see what they would like to research and straighten up to satisfy their thirst for answers, remove a frustration, or create a new and better solution. Here’s what they shared…

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