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Feature story
Your Favorite Band is Playing, Would You Attend?
Would you go to a concert, a movie, a hair salon? If your answer was “no way!” you are not alone. As part of our Navigating to a New Normal longitudinal study, we asked participants a series of Would You…? questions to get a snapshot of people’s comfort levels. In this installment, we focused on non-essential gatherings. Hear what people had to say and learn the implications for your business.
School is in Session, Would You Go In-person?
We asked participants of our Navigating to a New Normal study a series of questions on a range of topics from movie theaters to doctor’s visits. Find out what everyone had to say and implications for your business.
Back to School Pandemic-Style
Moms are wrestling with difficult back-to-school decisions. Supporting them in a time of uncertainty will give them back some control during this most unusual school year. Find out what respondents had to say and the implications for your business.
The Challenge is Real for Parents Trying to Work From Home
Moms need your help. Only 18% of people want to go back to “normal” when the pandemic is over, but one group was slightly more desirous than the rest – parents who are also working from home.
How to foster equality within your company
Fostering equality is an ongoing process that requires vigilance and transparency. Today we revisit the action starters we committed to – and share the tools we have to help other organizations do the same. Our goal is to keep the conversation open and the actions front and center…
Returning to Focus Groups? How to Find the New Consumer.
Get a handle on how research participants will engage now and, in the months, ahead.
How I Survived My Summer Vacation: Family Edition
Find out how families have been spending their summer, and what this could bode for the future.
Chapter 6: Are We There Yet? Finding Our Way to Normal. [VIDEO]
Straight from The Quirks Event to you! Learn the answers to the questions on everyone’s mind - What are current behaviors and attitudes toward: shopping, leisure activities, vacations?
Chapter 5: Black Lives Matter – How to Listen Without Judgement
In this piece, we discuss the five steps to empathy, share the experiences of our Black respondents, and above all, we listened.
Separated in age by two generations, respondents Gail and Dajon share their powerful stories of racism. We review the five steps to empathy and offer action starters for your company.
Chapter 4: I Like You as a Brand, But Can I Trust You? [White paper]
Take a deep dive with us as we look at society’s current journey to reconnect with others – and the emotions that are driving decisions during this pandemic.
Chapter 3: Now, Next, Future… Navigating Your Business to a New Normal [Pre-recorded Webinar]
See and hear first-hand what consumers are thinking, feeling and doing in order to figure out what the future may hold for your brand or business.
Chapter 2: How to Guide Your Consumer Through the Uncanny Valley [White Paper]
Explore how your company can deliver products, services, and messages that acknowledge and could help alleviate consumer anxiety and discomfort. This free white paper examines the emotional impact of the pandemic and the divide that’s forming in our society between the employed and the recently unemployed.
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy [White Paper] Navigating to a New ‘Normal’
We’re proud to share (as a free download) our first white paper from Navigating to a New Normal - our planned year-long, multi-generational, cross-geographical, nationally-representative quantitative and qualitative research study. In this ground-breaking first installment, CEO Rob Volpe posits we are at an inflection point in society. Using Maslow’s Hierarchy as a framework, you can better understand how to navigate the new.